Clubs & Activities
This is a list of just some of the exciting opportunities your student has while learning and exploring at Dennison!
School Sponsored Activities
- Fifth-grade Williamsburg trip
- Ukulele Club - (Starting Thursdays in February) sponsored by Ms. Skaja
- Choir - sponsored by Ms. Skaja
- 2nd & 3rd Grades (Starting second week of September - All year activity, Mondays 2:50-3:30)
- 4th & 5th Grades (Starting second week of September - All year activity, Tuesdays 2:50-3:30)
- Jump Rope Camp - 3rd-5th Grade. February 25, 26, 27, 28th. Sponsored by Ms. Land Sign Up
- Cup (Sport) Stacking Camp - 1st-5th Grade. February 3, 5, 6, 7. Sponsored by Ms. Land Sign Up
- Cross Country Camp (TBD) - sponsored by Ms. Land
- Gymnastics Camp (TBD) - sponsored by Ms. Land Sign up
PTA Sponsored
- Lego Club
- Chess Club Click here for information.
- Girl Scouts: Please contact your troop leader.
- Boy Scouts: Please contact your den leader.
Outside Organizations
Consider checking out these websites:
- Science Matters: Science Matters at Dennison Science Matters website
- Golf Squad: Golf Squad website Sign up for Spring Session
- Kid Stage: Kid Stage website
- Youth Basketball: D'Evelyn Youth Basketball