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Jeffco Public Schools uses a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) framework to organize and provide academic and social, emotional, and behavioral instruction and supports to ensure that every student receives what they need in order to be successful. 

Student Drumbing

Learning at Dennison Elementary School

Dennison Elementary School Philosophy

Dennison Elementary School was established in 1974 to provide an alternative, choice education environment for students within Jefferson County where fundamental learning skills, academic rigor, and high expectations prepare students to be successful in today’s society.

Dennison Elementary curriculum aligns with the Colorado Academic Standards. Adjustments to the school’s curriculum must be approved by the district office of Curriculum and Instruction. Dennison students are expected to complete all district and state required assessments. Textbooks and other resources support the state standards. 

Dennison Programming Includes:

  • Instruction occurs largely in self-contained classrooms with whole-group, teacher-directed instruction.
  • Students are not grouped based on ability.
  • Classrooms are created heterogeneously and balanced.
  • Reading instruction is based on the following components: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension.
  • Basic skills such as math facts, handwriting, proofreading, and spelling are emphasized.
  • Textbooks are the basis for sequential instruction.
  • Instruction is grounded in traditional approaches such as paper/ pencil and may be supplemented with technology when appropriate to enhance student learning.  
  • Grades 1-6 students earn letter grades in each academic subject area of studies.
  • Grades K-6 students are assessed on various learning attributes.
  • Appropriate behavior is expected of students at all times.
  • Specials include Art, Music, and Physical Education, and LMC/Technology.

Components of Direct Explicit Instruction

  • ALL children can be taught and learn
  • ALL teachers can succeed with adequate training and materials
  • Teachers control content and instruction to reduce chance of student misunderstanding
  • Instruction is clear and direct with an appropriate balance of lecture, modeling, guided practice and independent practice (I do, we do, you do)
  • There are frequent checks for understanding and feedback
  • Curriculum scope and expectations are aligned vertically and horizontally throughout the organization

Dennison’s Foundational Processes and Practices


  • Unfinished classwork goes home and is due the next day
  • Grade levels have an increasing level of homework 
  • Three types:
    • Weekly work
    • Unfinished classwork
    • Independent Studying/Reading
  • Homework is meaningful practice of previously taught skills that students should be able to complete independently.


  • All staff and students adhere to the SOARS matrix
  • All staff supervise students on school grounds and hold all kids accountable in a positive way (compliments, SOARS tickets, etc.)
  • Classroom specific behavior systems are in place
  • Voice level scale is systemic
  • School wide, systemic hand signals are used by all staff and students
  • 2 whistles (freeze and listen) and 1 whistle (line up)


  • Textbooks and resources have been strategically selected to align with Colorado Academic Standards and support the Dennison instructional model. 
    • McGraw Hill Open Court  which emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, comprehension, and writing. 
    • Savvas Envision Math
    • Savvas Elevate Science
    • Daily Language Instruction
    • Zaner Bloser Handwriting
    • Various resources are used for instruction in Social Studies.
  • Teachers plan the sequence together with their grade level team to ensure that the scope of the resources will be taught by the end of the school year. This will ensure all students have equitable access to grade level content. 
  • Supplemental instruction may be needed and teams will work collaboratively to plan and implement them. 


Students at Dennison Elementary School will take federal, state and district assessments, which help inform instruction and monitor progress. 

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Find information on the classrooms and teachers at Dennison Elementary School.

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Jeffco Public Schools’ curriculum and academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.

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Early Learning

Dennison Elementary School’s Early Learning program teaches the whole child, with attention given to all areas of development including social-emotional and content knowledge. 

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Grading & Report Cards

Dennison Elementary School issues report cards at the end of each trimester or semester. Grades can also be reviewed in Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

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Library & Research

Library and research support is a powerful learning resource for Dennison Elementary School students.

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Social Emotional Learning

Social emotional learning (SEL) at Dennison Elementary School helps students apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to handle daily challenges.

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Special Education

Identified students at Dennison Elementary School receive services that best meet their specific needs.

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Learn about Jeffco’s technology offerings including Tech for Ed, digital citizenship and wellness, learning applications and tech support.

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