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Enrolling in Dennison

All students will use Enroll Jeffco to indicate where they will be attending school in August whether students are re-enrolling at the same school, changing schools or just starting in Jeffco.

School choice is an important responsibility of all families. Dennison is an option school that has a textbook-based instructional model with a traditional philosophy of education. Parents must thoughtfully select the right school for their student(s). 

Since Dennison Elementary is an option school, all families interested in enrolling their students here should view the Prospective Dennison Family Information Slideshow before applying to Dennison.

Dennison Elementary School is the only school that feeds directly to D’Evelyn Jr. High School for sixth grade. Students completing the Dennison program are eligible for first-priority enrollment for the 2025-26 school year.

Dennison Elementary Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for first-priority enrollment?

 The Dennison student must be a Jefferson County resident to receive first-priority enrollment. 

The 2024-25 school year enrollment priorities and requirements will be given in this order as per Jeffco district policy:

  1. Both of these conditions must be met:
    • Jeffco residents are siblings of students currently enrolled.
    •  The sibling will attend Dennison the following year
  2. Both of these conditions must be met:
    • Jeffco resident
    • Dennison Elementary full-time employee
  3. Jeffco residents 
  4. Non Jeffco residents who have currently enrolled siblings
  5. Non Jeffco residents who are an employee of Dennison Elementary
  6. Non-residents of Jeffco

What happens to the applications?

Here’s what happens next in the lottery selection process for option schools:

  • The remaining applications are randomized by grade level and priority category. 
  • The remaining openings are filled from the round-one list. 
  • Students who are offered a spot in the first round will be notified by email or text message: 
    • Parents will have 72 hours to accept or decline openings 
  • If a student is not accepted during the first round, their name stays on the list for the second round.

 Please view the enrollment lottery process district slide for questions on how the lottery is run and to understand the full process.

School Finder
School Finder Logo

With School Finder, there are three easy ways to learn about schools:

  • By name
  • By proximity
  • By other criteria like Dual Language, special education, gifted, Montessori, Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and more.

Visit School Finder

EnrollJeffco Logo

With EnrollJeffco, you can enroll in your neighborhood school or choice enroll at a different school that may be a better fit for your student's unique needs.

Apply to School

School Insights
School Insights Logo

With School Insights you can view data on school culture, teacher-to-student ratios, student academic performance and information about each school.

View School Insights

Information for families new to Jeffco

Once you have accepted an invite from Enroll Jeffco to enroll at Dennison, the following district-required documents will need to be uploaded into Enroll Jeffco. After all three documents have been uploaded, you will receive a link to your Online Registration form. Please fill out this form completely as soon as possible. Your student can’t start school until both steps have been completed:

  1. Birth certificate 
  2. Immunization records 
  3. Proof of address

Why Should You Attend Dennison Elementary School?

Learn more about what Dennison Elementary School offers and why you should attend.

Learn More

Student Registration & Fees

Find information on Dennison Elementary School student registration and school fees.

Learn More


Take a school tour and find out more about Dennison Elementary School.

Learn More

Enrollment Timeline

Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-26 School Year

  • December 5, 2024: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens
  • January 17, 2025: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year closes
  • January 23, 2025: Round 2 enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens 
  • January 28, 2025: Lottery results sent to families