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Parent Teacher Association

Dennison Elementary School families are encouraged to get involved by joining the Parent Teacher Association.

Dennison Eagle Community PTA

Dennison Eagle Community (DEC) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is composed of families, students, teachers and administrators devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools.

Logo for Dennison PTA

DEC PTA helps build community among parents and teachers through special activities, events and programs in and out of the classroom that make Dennison a wonderful experience for our students.

Membership and fundraisers support the teachers, technology, school events, socials, field trip assistance, clubs and much more!

Membership dues are paid annually for a nominal fee of $10 for an individual or $18 for a family. You can pay using a credit card here. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or check using this form. Completed forms and payment can either be dropped off at the main office or sent to school through your student.

Join Us for a Meeting

PTA meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 8 a.m. in Temp #7. All are welcome, but only members may vote. 

You can make a difference

Help Us Reach Our Financial Goal

Join our mission to get textbooks and technology into the hands of every student. This is essential for equal access for all students to receive a quality education at Dennison.

DEC PTA's financial goal this year for the textbook and technology fund is $160,000, which is roughly $256 per student. We need your help raising awareness and the much-needed funds to continue serving each student. 

You can make your tax-deductible donation via check (turn into office or teacher) or PayPal to

If a financial donation isn’t feasible, there are many volunteer opportunities where you can donate your time to help us fundraise.

Business Sponsorships

We are grateful for the generous support of our business sponsors! 

Is your business interested in supporting the Dennison Eagle Community? We have many different giving levels available. If you have any questions, please email, or make your donation today!


Dennison Elementary School Yearbook

Dennison’s PTA partners with Lifetouch to capture the school year’s memories.

Stay tuned for the 2024-25 school year order dates and codes. 


Please send all of your photos to:

Contact Us

Contact Us

2024 - 2025 Board Members

  • President: Renee Ruppersberger
  •  Vice President: Nick Phillips
  • Secretary: Lauren Utley
  • Treasurer:  Sasheen Arguello-Scott

Contact Us